Homemade Gift Idea!

It’s time to start thinking about last minute gifts. Mason Jar Mixes are an easy gift that can even be made at the last minute. I’m giving you a recipe for Chocolate Chip Muffins, but really you can use any of your favorite recipes.

All you have to do is layer in the dry ingredients into your mason jar and attach a tag with the remaining ingredients listed and the instructions. I recommend that you choose simple recipes with fewer ingredients and mixing steps.

The most important part is to have fun doing it and make it a heartfelt gift.

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Chocolate Chip Muffin Mason Jar Mix

Mason Jar mixes are such a great gift idea. Basically you can use any of your favorite recipes. Layer your dry ingredients and attach a tag listing the remaining ingredietns, i.e., eggs, milk, and gift it.
Course: Everything Else
Cuisine: American
Keyword: DIY gifts, Gifts,, Mason Jar,
Servings: 0


Jar Ingredients

  • 2 cups All-Purpose Flour
  • 1- 1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
  • 1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
  • 1 tsp. Ground Cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. Ground Nutmeg
  • Pinch Salt
  • 2/3 cup Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Chocolate Chips

Additional Ingredients, for Tag

  • 1 Jar Chocolate Chip Muffin Mix
  • 3/4 cup Buttermilk
  • 3/4 cup Applesauce
  • 1 large Egg, slightly beaten
  • 1-1/2 Tbs. Avocado Oil, or other neutral vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract


  • Layer all dry ingredients in, one at a time. Tap down, gently, in between ingredients. Close jar tightly and attach tag with raffia or rope.

Instructions for Tag

  • Preheat oven to 350°
  • In a large bowl, beat the wet ingredients together then add in jar mix and combine well.
    Do Not Overwork.
    Spoon batter into greased muffin tins, about 2/3 full.
    Bake for 18 -20 minutes, until golden brown. Muffin shold sprng back when touched.
    Let cool in pan for 10 minutes then turn out.
    Serve warm or at room temperature.

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