Sparkle and Fun to Last throughout the Year!

I’m sure you all have seen these adorable hot chocolate bombs all over the Internet. Well I’m here to tell you that they are not something you can make quickly and have them be as charming as they are on Pinterest. I tried and it took several attempts to get it right. It takes practice. Once you get the process down it is easier to turn them out.

There are two pieces of good news here. The first is you can make mistakes and cover them up with sprinkles and more chocolate. The other piece of good news is that I’m here to walk you through how to make them and fix your mistakes.

I love the idea of using these throughout the year. You can customize the inside and the outside to fit whatever holiday or occasion is coming your way. I think a red velvet bomb decorated for Valentines Day sounds amazing. How about your birthday person’s favorite flavors for their birthday or fun green for St. Patrick’s Day? The possibilities are endless.

As for the rest, you know my drill. Please send me pictures. Please send me comments and suggestions. I want to hear how this goes for you. Of course please head over to Instagram and follow me on @whiskinthesouthern.

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Hot Chocolate Bombs

My version of the cute bombs youre seeing all over Instagram.
Course: Endings
Cuisine: American
Servings: 6 individual servings


  • 2- 6 section sphere bomb molds.


  • 1 12-oz bag Chocolate chips, any variety
  • 6 Tbs. Instant Hot Cocoa Mix
  • 6 Tbs. Mini Marshmallows
  • Add-ins of your choice I used peppermints and m&ms
  • additional melted chocolate for drizzle
  • decorative sprinkles and glitters


  • In 15 second intervals, melt 1/2 chocolate in a heatproof bowl, in the microwave on high. Stir between intervals.
    Dollop a bit of chocolate into each opening of bomb molds. Use a teaspoon or a silicone brush to evenly paint the chocolate around the whole mold.
    Place in the refrigerator for about an hour until solid through. Hold up to light to check for thin spots and re-coat.
    When completely solid carefully unmold spheres.
    Working with first six spheres, heat a plate and gently place sphere open side down on the plate to cause slight melting and even the edges. If you need to put these back in the refrigerator for a moment go for it.
  • You're going to want to work fast and in as cool an area as you have.
    Place 1/2 tablespoon of hot cocoa mix into the six spheres you already evened the edges.
    Place four or five each of mini marshmallows into those same six spheres. Add in other extras, like candies. They will look full.
    Return these spheres back to the refrigerator while you get ready to work on the top halfs.
  • Take the other six spheres that did not get evened out of the refrigerator and repeat the process with the heated plate.
    Quickly, place on top of the filled spheres. Hold gently and hope they melt closed together.
    If there are gaps, you can heat your finger under warm water and gently rub the seam to closed. Don't worry if it's not pretty, you can decorate over it.
  • For decorating, i like to start with the drizzle. I put the remaining chocolate directly into a pastry bag and melt in microwave, as above. Instead of stirring, I just carefully squeeze to mix. Use pot holders or a towel. if too hot.
    If you don't have pastry bags, use plastice baggies. Just push chocolate into a corner. That will be your tip.
    Once melted and blended, cut a small piece off the tip, carefully twist the top closed and down, to remove any air pockets.
    Pour your chosen sprinkles in a shallow dish.
    Carefully drizzle over seam, in a zig zag pattern, then immediately roll in sprinkles. you add more drizzle after, if you like.
  • In the original photo I only used one color of chocolate and one color of sprinkles. I would highly recommend experimenting with the chocolate melts that are available in different colors. This way you can shoot your hot chocolate bombs to fit any holiday or occasion. Just think of a white chocolate bomb with funfetti sprinkles for a birthday.
    You can also dip the rim of a mug in the melted chocolate and then the sprinkles for added sparkle.

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